What is a Manuscript Evaluation?

Are you a writer who has finished the first draft of your novel? Congratulations! You have accomplished something amazing and should be proud. But now what? The next step is to start editing, but there are so many different services out there—it can be overwhelming. Don't worry, we've got you covered. We'll give you the inside scoop on why manuscript evaluation is where every writer should begin their editing journey (unless they get coaching while writing). So let's get started! Here's why manuscript evaluation is key to improving your story.

What does a manuscript evaluator do?

A manuscript evaluator is a professional reader and editor who will read through your work and provide detailed feedback on how to improve it.

Manuscript evaluation is different from other editing services in that it focuses on the big picture of your work. A line editor will take a closer look at smaller details like grammar and spelling, while a manuscript evaluator will focus more on broader aspects such as plot, characters, themes, tone, and setting.

As a result, we recommend manuscript evaluations as a first step for writers who have finished their first draft and are looking to develop their stories further.

A manuscript evaluation should be done before any other kind of editing takes place because it provides a comprehensive overview of the state of your draft. It identifies the level at which you should work to improve the story so that you don't waste time and effort on fixes that won't ultimately matter. For example, you don't want to go through and polish all of your wording in a scene only to find that the scene doesn't fit with the global story and needs to be cut.

Manuscript evaluations are an invaluable tool for any writer who wants to take their story to the next level because they ensure that the work you put into your draft has the maximum possible impact.

What is the manuscript evaluation process?

When you hire an editor to conduct a manuscript evaluation, you will submit your draft for their review.

The process of a manuscript evaluation depends on the methodology of the editor, so it is important that you clarify what to expect when you are selecting an editor.

In general, the editor will read your draft in detail and provide feedback. The exact deliverables and timeline will depend upon the specifics of the service.

The editor will create a document outlining their evaluation with detailed notes about any issues they have identified. You will also have the opportunity to discuss their findings and ask any questions that you have about the feedback and recommendations.

Keep in mind that the goal of a manuscript evaluation is to help you make informed decisions on how to move forward with your project. To facilitate this, the editor should not only give feedback but also provide recommendations on further steps you can take to improve your work.

How long does a manuscript evaluation take?

That depends on the length of your novel and how detailed you want the evaluation to be. Generally, a full manuscript evaluation takes anywhere from three to eight weeks. In some cases, a manuscript evaluator may need more time if they're looking for deeper details or if they have any questions about your story that need addressing.

At Writers by Night, we deliver our manuscript evaluations within four weeks of manuscript receipt, and then you can schedule the discussion to go over the feedback at any time. This gives you a concrete timeline for when to expect your deliverables, while also allowing you the flexibility to digest the feedback and recommendations at your own pace so that you can have a productive discussion with your editor.

How does the editor evaluate your manuscript?

When an editor evaluates your manuscript, they look at it with a critical eye in order to identify any issues or opportunities for improvement. They will read through your work carefully and take note of everything from the big picture items such as plot structure and character arcs to the smaller details such as grammar and spelling. This comprehensive approach allows them to provide detailed feedback on how you can improve your story overall. Additionally, they are able to make specific recommendations based on their evaluation so that you know exactly what steps need to be taken in order to bring out its full potential.

The editor will analyze and evaluate your draft according to their preferred methodology. When you hire your editor, make sure that you understand which methodology they use and how they will apply it to your story. Transparency about their methods and process is critical to maintaining objectivity in the editing process. 

Ultimately, no matter which approach or combination of approaches they use, your evaluator should provide you with an analysis that helps you to understand where your story has room for improvement and how you can make it shine.

At Writers by Night, we use the Story Grid Methodology for all of our manuscript evaluations. This method is based on story structure principles and provides a comprehensive evaluation at all levels of your story. It will identify any structural issues with your plot or characters and provide concrete recommendations for improvement.

Do I need a manuscript evaluation?

If you have finished a draft of your first novel, then absolutely! 

A manuscript evaluation is essential for any writer who wants to take their story to the next level. It will provide invaluable insights into where your story currently stands and how it can be improved. Plus, you'll get detailed feedback that you can use to make informed decisions and craft a better story.

At Writers by Night, we believe that manuscript evaluation is an essential part of every writer's editing journey. 

It will help you identify areas of development and guide you through the next steps to improve your story and create something truly special. So if you've finished a draft of your first novel, the best place to start is with a manuscript evaluation to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your story so that you can move forward in the editing process with confidence.

When you are ready for your own manuscript evaluation, learn more about our Next Level Novel service — and book a consultation to get started today!


What to Expect: Understanding the Editing Process for Your Novel


The Key Role of an Editor: Putting Readers First